Personal Portfolio Website - May 2023
Technology/Languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Web Hosting, UI/UX, Web Design and Development
Designed and built a website that showcased my personal experience, education history and projects I worked on throughout my career and academic background. The website was hosted using github pages and was used as a descriptive insight into my skills and abilities.

Dating App - August 2023
Technology/Languages: .NET Framework, Angular, Entity Framework, node.js, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, UI/UX
Developed a dating application where users could create a profile that showcased their personalities. They could then message and connect with potential matches. The website also includes a photo upload feature.

Jira Clone - September 2023
Technology/Languages: .NET Framework, Angular, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, UI/UX
Built a Jira clone that supported adding new users, projects, and issues for each project using Angular which sent requests to a .NET web API. This website also allowed for the drag and drop of issues between status columns, user registration/login, and complete functionality for adding and removing components like projects and issue cards.

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