Gossip Simulator in a Distributed System using Erlang - October 2022
Technology/Languages: Erlang, Distributed Systems, Gossip Protocols, Networking
Optimized group communication system performance by writing a tool that compared convergence time for 10,000 nodes using both Gossip and push-sum algorithms, resulting in improved efficiency.

Bitcoin Mining Simulator using Erlang - October 2022
Technology/Languages: Erlang, Actor Model, Hashing
Designed a highly efficient bitcoin mining simulator using Erlang that successfully mined bitcoins by running SHA 256 hash on random strings and calculating the leading zeroes with precision.

Greedy Algorithm based solution to optimize number of tasks that can be performed by a single resource - February 2023
Technology/Languages: Algorithm Analysis, Python, Greedy Algorithms
Provided a solution to find the maximum number of houses that could be painted by a team of painters across a certain number of days subject to a set of constraints. This optimized solution was tested for up to 6000 houses.

Dynamic Programming approach to find the largest grid of planted trees across a state's districts for resident zone planning - February 2023
Technology/Languages: Algorithm Analysis, Python, Dynamic Programming, Metrics visualization
Wrote a highly efficient dynamic programming solution to find the largest grid of trees that satisfied certain constraints in order to allocate locations for planning residential zones in a state. The python code took as input the grid representing the districts of the state and a constraint that specified the number of trees required in each district, and returned the largest suitable grid as an output.

Twitter Clone using Erlang and Distributed Systems - Oct 2022
Technology/Languages: Erlang, Distributed Systems, Actor Model, Networking, HTML, CSS
Built a twitter clone where users could register, login, create and share tweets using a web client that communicate with a server that ran on a distributed computing system to increase the efficiency.

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